On this page, you can find the list of references used to create this site.
As a principle, I don't mark the sources on the text because it makes reading more difficult. Also, marking all the sources with in-text citations is somewhat impossible. That's because I have read all the pieces on the list at some point of my life, but have not written the texts on this site with a reference book open next to me. In other words, I don't know exactly which book to refer in any single case. Another reason for not marking all the sources meticulously is that because this is not an academic paper, I don't have to mark the exact sources, which is a refreshing change for me!
The only exception is when I directly quote a source for an explanation of the grammar or take an example sentence directly from the source. All the other examples sentences I've made off the top of my head combining the vocabulary I know with the grammar I've learned from these various sources. So, if there happens to be exactly the same example sentence on my page as in some published work and I have not cited the work in my text, it's just a pure coincidence.
The references used to build this site are mostly written in Japanese, so I also give the names of the authors, books etc. written in Japanese characters, too.
The list of references is still very very very incomplete, sorry! I'll add the missing ones when I have more time.
List of references
Bugaeva, Anna (2012) Southern Hokkaido Ainu. In: Nicolas Tranter (ed.) The languages of Japan and Korea, 461–509. London: Routledge.
Bugaeva, Anna (ed.) (2022) Handbook of the Ainu language. Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics 12. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Bugaeva, Anna (2024) The Ainuic language family. In: Edward Vajda (ed.) The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia, 541–632. Language Families. World of Linguistics. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Chiri, Mutsumi & Takao Yokoyama (1988) Ainu ukoyso-itak. Ainugo kaiwa irasuto jiten [Ainu discussion. An illustrated Ainu conversational dictionary]. Tokyo: Kagyusha. / 知里むつみ・横山孝雄 (1988)『Ainu ukoyso-itak アイヌ語会話イラスト辞典』東京:蝸牛社.
Hokkaido Utari Association (1994) A=kor itak: Ainugo tekisuto [Our language: Ainu language textbook]. Sapporo: Hokkaido Utari Association Project. / 海道ウタリ協会 (1994) 『アコㇿ イタㇰ A=kor itak : アイヌ語テキスト』札幌:北海道ウタリ協会企画.
Kayano, Shigeru (1996) Kayano Shigeru no Ainugo Jiten [Kayano Shigeru's dictionary of the Ainu language]. Tokyo: Sanseidō. Online version. / 萱野茂 (1996) 『萱野茂のアイヌ語辞典』東京:三省堂.
Kindaichi, Kyōsuke & Mashiho Chiri (1936) Ainugohō Gaisetsu [Outline of Syntax of the Ainu Language]. Tokyo: Iwanamishoten. / 金田一京助・知里真志保 (1936) 『アイヌ語法概説』 東京:岩波書店. (Available online at
Kubodera, Itsuhiko (ed.) (2020) Ainugo/Nihongo jitenkō. Kubodera Itsuhiko chosakushū 4 [Ainu/Japanese dictionary manuscript. Kubodera Itsuhiko collection 4]. Urayasu: Sōfūkan. / 久保寺逸彦 (2020) 『アイヌ語・日本語辞典稿 久保寺逸彦著作集④』 浦安:草風館.
Ijas, Silja (2023) Language revitalization through lexical modernization and neologism-coining : The current state and future tasks of modernizing Ainu lexicon. Aynu teetawanoankur kanpinuye (Journal of Ainu and Indigenous Studies) 117–160.
Jinbo, Kotora & Shōzaburō Kanazawa (1898) Ainugo kaiwa jiten [Ainu conversational dictionary]. Reproduced in 1973, republished in 1986. Sapporo: Hokkaido Kikaku Center. / 神保小虎・金澤庄三郎著『アイヌ語會話字典』1973年復刻再刊、1986年改装新版発行.札幌:北海道出版企画センター.
Nakagawa, Hiroshi, Anna Bugaeva, Miki Kobayashi & Yoshimi Yoshikawa (2021). A Glossed Audio Corpus of Ainu Folklore. Tokyo: NINJAL (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics).
Nakagawa, Hiroshi & Mutsuko Nakamoto (2007) CD Ekusupuresu Ainugo [CD express Ainu language]. 3rd edition. Tokyo: Hasusuisha. / 中川裕・中本ムツ子 (2007) 『CDエクスプレス アイヌ語』第3刷発行.東京:白水社.
Nakagawa, Hiroshi (2021) Nyūekusupuresu purasu Ainugo [New express plus Ainu language]. Tokyo: Hakusuisha. / 中川裕 (2021) 『ニューエクスプレスプラス アイヌ語』東京:白水社.
Nakagawa, Hiroshi (2022) Parts of speech – with a focus on the classification of nouns. In Anna Bugaeva (ed.) (2022) Handbook of the Ainu language, 473–514. Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics 12. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Refsing, Kirsten (1986) The Ainu language—the morphology and syntax of the Shizunai dialect. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
Satō, Tomomi (2008) Ainugo bunpō no kiso [The basics of Ainu grammar]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin. / 佐藤知己 (2008) 『アイヌ語文法の基礎』東京:大学書林.
Takiguchi, Yumi (2021) Kodomo to manabu Ainugo [Ainu language to learn with children] Nakagawa Hiroshi (Supervising editor). Tokyo: SURE. / 瀧口夕実 (2021) 『子どもとまなぶアイヌ語』中川裕 監修.東京:SURE.
Tamura, Suzuko (1983) Ainugo nyuumon [Introduction to the Ainu language]. Tokyo: Waseda University Language Research Institute. / 田村すゞ子 (1983) 『アイヌ語入門』 東京:早稲田大学語学研究所.
Tamura, Suzuko (1983) Ainugo kisogoi [Basic vocabulary of the Ainu language]. Tokyo: Waseda University Language Research Institute. / 田村すゞ子 (1983) 『アイヌ語基礎語彙』 東京:早稲田大学語学研究所.
Tamura, Suzuko (1983) Ainugo nyuumon kaisetsu [Commentary on the introduction to the Ainu language]. Tokyo: Waseda University Language Research Institute. / 田村すゞ子 (1983) 『アイヌ語入門解説』 東京:早稲田大学語学研究所.
Tamura, Suzuko (1996) Ainugo Saruhogen Jiten [Dictionary of Saru dialect of the Ainu language]. Tokyo: Sōfūkan. Online version. / 田村すずこ (1996) 『アイヌ語沙流方言辞典』東京:草風館.
Tamura, Suzuko (2000) The Ainu Language. ICHEL Linguistic Studies Vol.2. Translated by the Department of Asian and Pacific Linguistics, Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, the University of Tokyo. Tokyo: Sanseidō.
Tamura, Suzuko (2020) Ainugo no sekai [The world of the Ainu language]. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan. / 田村すゞ子 (2020) 『アイヌ語の世界』東京:吉川弘文館.
Created on 2023/2/10, Latest update on 2024/11/8