Ainu vocabulary list
Here you can find all the vocabulary used in the Ainu language lessons. There are both Ainu to English and English to Ainu vocabulary lists available.
In the Ainu to English vocabulary list, each Ainu word is noted together with its part of speech, whether the word (mostly verbs) is a plural or singular form, other notes, such as if the word is stative verb or in medium voice, and the number of lesson in which the word first appeared.
In the English to Ainu vocabulary list, there is a column for occasional extra note about the English item (for example, the word 'fly' has a note 'verb' if the Ainu word refers to a verb, not a noun, and there is also explanation about what kind of 'fly' does the Ainu word mean, 'the act of flying' or 'an insect'.)
These vocabulary lists serve their purpose for now, but I guess that at some point when the number of words grows larger, it would be more practical to have a searchable online Ainu-English-Ainu dictionary instead of long lists of words.
Created on 2023/2/10, Latest update on 2023/2/11