Resources for Ainu language learning

Resources for learning Ainu

Ainu is a small language and resources to learn and study the language are scarce. Here you can find a collection of links to different sources for learning Ainu. If you really want to learn Ainu, I recommend that after studying the basics of the language, you try to read some of the documented old stories that you can find in the links listed below. Some of these resources have English UI's and they give explanations about the stories also in English, but unfortunately most of them are aimed for Japanese speakers. However, I believe that in many cases you can figure out how to use the system or how to download the files even if you don't understand Japanese, so give the Japanese ones also a try.

Ainu Language Archive of the National Ainu Museum (国立アイヌ民族博物館アイヌ語アーカイブ)

Topical dictionary in conversational Ainu

Glossed Audio Corpus of Ainu Folklore

Yukie Chiri: "A collection of the Ainu epics of gods" (アイヌ神謡集/Ainu shinyōshū)

Waseda University repository

Chiba university, Japanese-Ainu dictionary

Library of Ainu folktales 1: The folktales of Toshi Ueda (アイヌ民話ライブラリ1 上田トシの民話)

Tradition documentation 7: Shinjiro Kuzuno's tradition (伝承記録7 葛野辰次郎の伝承)

Publication Project of Ainu Language Materials by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (AA研アイヌ語資料公開プロジェクト)

Created on 2024/10/4 , Latest update on 2024/11/9